Tumour diseases I
Praxistag on the subject of tumour diseases
The speakers kindly provided the presentation slides for the talks of the Praxistage on 26 and 27 June 2015 for publication.
Biological Tumour Therapy – Possibilities and Limits
Dr. med. Anne Wessel, internist and physician for naturopathic treatment, Berlin
Biological tumor therapy, Dr. A. Wessel (German)
Nutrition and Cancer – What Makes Sense?
Focus on Carbohydrate-reduced Nutrition according to Dr. Coy
Dr. Heiko Hoffmann, biovis company, Limburg
Nutrition and Cancer, Dr. H. Hoffmann: by Dr. H. Hoffmann (German)
Tumour Immunology
How Can the Immune System Be Supported During Treatment?
Dr. Volker von Baehr, Immunologist and Specialist in Laboratory Medicine
Institute for Medical Diagnostics, Berlin – Potsdam
Tumour immunology, Dr. V. von Baehr (German)
Chemosensitivity Testing – Significance for Planning Therapy
Finding the Best Chemotherapy by Testing Before Treatment
Dr. Kai Schulze-Forster, “Zentrum für Molekulare Onkologie GmbH“
(Center for Molecular Oncology), Luckenwalde
Chemoresistance test, Dr. K. Schulze-Forster (German)
Gynaecological Tumours, Focus on Breast Cancer
Dr. Cornelia Herbstreit, chief physician of the gynaecological department and of the Breast Center, Klinik Havelhöhe, Berlin-Kladow
Breast cancer, Dr. C. Herbstreit (German)