Qi Gong for the cervical spine
Our entire musculoskeletal system is one unit and individual parts must never be viewed in isolation. The cervical spine, and particularly the craniovertebral junction with the atlantoaxial joint between the 1st and 2nd cervical vertebra, play an essential role in the overall statics of the musculoskeletal system. If there is a malfunction here, it will not only affect the entire body and the entire skeleton, but also the nervous system and the brain.
Conversely, disturbances from the lower part of the body, for example, from the pelvis or the lower spine, may have an effect “upwards”. Due to the immediate proximity between the upper cervical spine and the temporomandibular joint, disturbances of the bite or teeth can influence movement and statics. For this reason, the temporomandibular joint must always be considered when dealing with any problem in the musculoskeletal system.
The first cervical vertebra, the atlas – a small vertebra on two small joint surfaces – supports the entire skull and the brain. The entire nerve and vascular connection to the brain passes through there. This crucially important area is held by about 40 muscles and ligaments. Considering this intricate anatomy and neurophysiology, it becomes clear how imbalances can develop there and which complex effect on the entire organism they would cause. Stabilisation and harmonisation of this area is therefore essential not only for the musculoskeletal system, but also for general well-being, the nervous system and the function of the sense organs.
The Qi Gong for the cervical spine was developed by Professor Lü in Beijing. It comprises simple and easy to learn exercises, especially for stretching the cervical spine. If these Qi Gong exercises for the cervical spine are practiced daily, spending a little time only, the entire cervical spine and cervical muscles will relax and strengthen, and the entire organism is stabilised.
Examples of indications for Medical Qi Gong for the cervical spine
- Pain and problems in the musculoskeletal system, not only in the cervical spine
- Shoulder-neck tensions
- Headaches and migraines
- Concentration and memory problems
- Tinnitus and ear problems
- Temporomandibular joint problems and grinding of the teeth
- etc.