Dr. med. Astrid Kohl

Phone: +49 30 / 827 11 630 Fax: +49 30 / 827 11 631 praxis@dr-kohl.berlin

Doctor ratings

Rating sites

On the Internet, various platforms allow patients to evaluate the performance of doctors and hospitals. So far only few evaluations of physicians are registered, many platforms are used merely to a small extent for the exchange of experiences. If you currently are or have been in consultation or treatment with me, I would be delighted if you passed on your opinion and experience.

Thank you very much!

Evaluation of the practice of Dr. med. Astrid Kohl on the Internet

(each with number of ratings as of: 03.07.2017)

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The “Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin” (ÄZQ), (Medical Center for Quality in Medicine), Berlin, has defined quality standards for platforms rating physicians; not all of the above websites fully meet the requirements, but are nevertheless listed for reasons of transparency.